Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Three Forks In The Road

At the beginning of the TV season, I gave my predictions for three new shows of the Fall 2012 season. Now as we end November sweeps month, the destinies for Revolution, Last Resort, and Elementary have become very clear.

Revolution, which debuted as the top new rookie drama this Fall, has lost about 25% of it's viewership since it's premier, but remains NBC's top new drama and one of the top new shows this year. In it's Fall finale last night, Revolution received 8.7 million viewers, winning it's timeslot. NBC has decided to put Revolution on an extended vacation until March, where it will run new episodes until May. Personally, I disagree with this move. A few years ago, NBC tried the same tactic with "The Event", which flopped in the ratings after it's return from absence for months.

Last Resort on ABC has been cancelled. It will produce all 13 of it's ordered episodes, but no more after that. It's last new episode received 5.8 million viewers and was third in it's timeslot, which aren't good numbers. There are plenty of reasons why Last Resort has failed. It aired in one of TV's toughest time-slots (Thursday at 8pm) against The Big Bang Theory, Two And A Half Men, and The X Factor, all ratings powerhouses. Last Resort has been given enough notice to wrap up it's story within 13 episodes, but that's all that will come out of this critically acclaimed show.

Elementary on CBS has been a great success with viewers, with the latest episode having 10.72 million watchers. However, with only around 2.5 million of them being between 18-49 year old males, it ranks low in the advertisers demographic. Still, it is doing well enough for CBS to grant it a extra-large 24 episode season, and it is also getting the holy grail of TV time-slots: The post Super Bowl slot. Elementary will gain exposure most shows dream they could get this February.


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